Mind Games Online

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Boost Your Brain - Free Brain Games Online! By Douglas Jobes. Training your brain with free online brain games. Is a fun way to keep your mind active and potentially improve your memory, concentration, and other brain skills. There are now over 250 free brain training games on this site. Puzzle Games are an intellectual challenge. Exercise your brain with puzzle games in the hugest collection of free mind-boggling puzzle games online! Outwit with a physics game, wreck building demolition games, solve maps, assemble puzzles and more! Play the best free Mind Games online with brain, math, puzzle and word games, sudokus and memory games.

Here you can enjoy the 25 Brain Teasers, Puz­zles &Games that Sharp­Brains read­ers (pri­mar­i­ly adults, but younger minds too) have enjoyed the most since 2010.

It is always good to learn more about our brains and to exer­cise them!.

Fun teasers on how our brains and minds work:

1. You think you know the col­ors? Try the Stroop Test

Mind Games Online For Free

2. You say you can count? Check out this brief atten­tion experiment

3. Test your stress level

4. Guess: Are there more con­nec­tions in one human brain or leaves in the whole Amazon?

Challenge your cognitive abilities with these brain teaser games:

5. Quick brain teasers to flex two key men­tal muscles

Mind Games Online

6. Count the Fs in this sentence

7. Can you iden­tify Apple’s logo?

Visual illusions:

8. Ten clas­sic opti­cal illu­sions to trick your mind

9. What do you see?

10. Fun Men­tal Rota­tion challenge

11. What is going on with these pictures?

Language and logic mind teasers:

Brain Games Free Online For Adults

12. Which way is the bus head­ing?

13. Where do words go?

14. Join this par­ty for polyglots

15. Fun & Brainy Haikus. Yours?

A few visual workouts to challenge your mind:

16. Is a cir­cle a circle?

17. Less obvi­ous than it may appear

18. How many…

How’s your pattern recognition?

19. Proverbs to exer­cise your mem­ory and reasoning

20. Find the miss­ing num­ber in The Emp­ty Triangle

21. Good puz­zle for the whole brain: The Blind Beggar

22. Find the the Real­ly, Real­ly, Real­ly Big Number


Fun brain teasers for the workplace:

23. Please con­sider Lin­da’s job prospects

24. A few guessti­ma­tions often used in con­sult­ing and tech interviews

25. How many golf balls can fit in a school bus?

Brain games are popular with both young and old.

Some of the games for training the brain are exceptionally useful for improving cognitive abilities and intellectual sharpness.

Popular games like Sudoku puzzles and Chess help in improving cognitive skills. There are also several types of word games and mind training games for adults which give leisure and enhance mental ability.

Now, what are brain games?

Brain games are a broad range of mental exercise and tests that stimulates your cognitive functions. In other words, they involve reasoning, abstract thinking, creativity, and strategic thinking.

Benefits Of Brain Games For Adults

We start losing neurons—the cells that make up the brain and nervous system — when the aging process of the brain sets in. Lack of serious mental activities accelerates the weakening of cognitive functions of the brain.

However, mental games can help you stay mentally active and sharp as you age. They can delay or prevent Alzheimer’s disease to some extent.

Fortunately, there are several brain games for adults that can keep you mentally fit with healthy cognitive functions.

Mental games are enjoyable, socially engaging, and intellectually stimulating for adults. These games keep your brain sharp.

Richard Caselli, MD, professor of neurology at Mayo Clinic Arizona, in Scottsdale, says, “If people repeatedly practice a certain task they improve over time.”

Mind Games Online

So chances are when an older adult plays mental games regularly, it strengthens their brain functions in several ways.

Brain training games help adults to improve memory, logic skills, response to time, and nervous functions. You become mentally sharp in remembering a name, date, places, or where you left your spectacle.

Fun brain games are useful for managing degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer’s. Few of the recent study reports suggest that persons who stay mentally active have a delay in the onset of Alzheimer’s.

10 Adult’s Brain Games for Fun and Mental Health

Mind games online for kids

As we already know, brain games not only improve mental ability but also give an excellent opportunity for leisure. Leisure from engaging in mental games eases out stress and anxiety.

These games help to overcome issues like memory failure and other weak cognitive abilities.

Brain-training apps, such as Elevate or Lumosity, are being used by tens of millions of people across the globe. Now we are going to discuss 10 brain games for adults, which can preserve and improve your cognitive health.

1. Sudoku

Sudoku is an engaging number placement game that calls for a lot of reasoning and memory. You have to arrange the numbers without repetition in boxes, columns, and rows. This game requires a good bit of planning and foresight, which help to improve concentration and memory.

You will find Sudoku published in most of the newspapers and periodicals. You can also buy Sudoku books that contain 100s of variations of the game in different levels of difficulty. You can play it online or install Sudoku Apps in your phone or tablet for playing this game. Resource: Play Sudoku online

2. Crosswords

Crosswords are fantastic brain trainers that require both knowledge and language skill. You will find crossword games all over, in newspapers and periodicals, and books. You can also play this game online and choose crossword games matching your interests and knowledge.

It is worth buying a book of crossword puzzles matching your interest, skill level, and toughness.

In addition, you can get any number of crossword puzzles online for free or via paid options.

Most of the online newspapers and periodicals have special sections for brain-games like a crossword puzzle for free. Resource: The Guardian, Free Online Crossword Puzzle

3. Chess

Chess is a classic board game trendy among young and old alike.

It is a chequered board game that requires strategic skills from two players. Moving the playing pieces in a chessboard according to precise rules requires good mental strategy and planning.

If you have played chess, you know that there are several possible movements of chess pieces to checkmate your opponent. The player has to mentally evaluate and foresee all possible placements of chess pieces by both players. The chess game provides an opportunity for strategic thinking, attention, and concentration.

You can easily purchase a chess board if you do not have one. There are also several web apps and online portal that allows you to play chess online with a real or virtual opponent. Resource: chess.com

4. Kenken

Kenken is a mental game that involves the placement of numbers without repeating in any of the row or column. Boxes in the grid are highlighted, with a clue as to what the result should be when the numbers are plugged into a mathematical equation.

This game is a brain-stimulating exercise which helps to improve skills such as:

  • cognitive abilities
  • logical thinking
  • problem-solving skill
  • mathematical skills
  • independent thinking

Many of the popular newspapers and periodicals regularly publish the Kenken puzzle. You can also find Kenken games puzzle books available in book stores. There are apps and websites for playing the Kenken game online. Resource: Online Kenken game

5. Happy Neuron

Happy Neuron is a pioneering brain training concept. This is a website based brain games scientifically designed to stimulate your cognitive functions.

It has fun-filled mental games for personalized training to meet your needs with comprehensive training sessions. It helps to improve key brain functions such as memory, language, attention, spatial ability, and executive functions. It is useful for both children adults.

Please note, you have to make subscription fees to get complete access to all the training sessions on the website.

Free brain games training online

6. Brain Metrix

Brain Metrix is a free-to-use educational website dedicated to brain training programs. It has several brain fitness programs that are both fun and stimulating.

It is mainly to train young students. But many of those games are useful for adults as well. It helps to strengthen the brain’s fitness and prevents Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Resource: Brain Metrix Website

7. Lumosity

Lumosity is one of the popular website based brain training and mental fitness program. You have to register and become a member of this website use different games and training programs. You may also install the Lumosity App on your phone or tablet to access this site.

The fun training programs at this website can make you mentally strong and improves your memory, attention, flexibility, and speed.

No matter your age or skill level, Lumosity adapts to your unique strengths and weaknesses. Source: Lumosity online.

8. Eidetic Memory App

According to the Encyclopedia of Psychology, eidetic memory is “abundant and unusually vivid visual recall.” Eidetic memory is the ability to recall an image, as well as sounds and other sensations connected with that image.

Most of the educational scientists say that repetition helps to get a new piece of information to store in the memory for a long time.

You can make use of the Eidetic App that helps you to have spaced repetition. It is useful for learning and remembering new information with interesting facts and words. Training of eidetic memory involves three things: one in speed, two, in space, and three, in quantity. Resource: Eidetic Memory App

9. Queendom Tests And Quizzes

Queendom is a free website that has thousands of surveys, personality tests, quizzes, and brain tools.

Some of the popular brain tools at Queendom are aptitude tests, trivia quizzes, mind-stretchers, and emotional intelligence tests. The tests, polls, and quizzes help to improve your intellectual aptitude and strength. Resource: Queendom Website

10. My Brain Trainer

My Brainer Trainer is a website that gives brain exercises, brain age tests, and cognitive exercises to improve the overall mental aptitude of a person. Most features on this website are similar to Happy Neuron and Lumosity.

You have to register for a monthly subscription to utilize the brain tests and exercises on this website.

‘MyBrainTrainer.com’ website recommends daily 20 minutes, broke into two schedules, of brain training exercises to get maximum benefit. Resource: MyBrainTrainer website

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