Snap Poker

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Cardgames and betting often go hand in hand, and casino or online play poker havetaken the world by storm. Televised events regularly offer prize pools worthhundreds of thousands, and poker professionals occasionally scoopmultimillion wins as if it were casual. The popularity has led to thedevelopment of many variations, aside from the traditional types of poker likeTexas Hold ‘em and Omaha. As a result, online sites, especially, are in a raceto make the most innovative game.

Snap and Zynga's partnership won't move the needle for either company right away, but it could strengthen Snap's ecosystem while luring fresh users to Zynga's gaming platform. SnapShove is used by over 54,000 poker players worldwide including many of the worlds best. Our frequent users include WSOP Bracelet winners, Super High Roller champions and many of the world’s top 300 GPI Players. SnapShove is available FREE with a limited number of searches per day. SnapShove pro adds unlimited searches and expert features. What is a snap-call in poker? Snap refers to the action of taking very little time before making a decision. “Mike went all-in on the river.'

Oneformat to come out of the online boom is a fast-fold poker known on the 888platform as SNAP poker. This variation centres on the same rules of Texas Hold‘em but with one big twist: when you fold, you are instantly seated at the nextavailable table and dealt another hand. It’s poker, but much faster!

What is SNAP poker?


Asmentioned, SNAP poker is a fast-fold formatavailable at 888poker. You can play it both as a cash game and as a tournament,and it is available at many different buy-in levels. When a player folds, theyare randomly seated at a different table and dealt a new hand. The SNAP fold button even allows players tofold before their turn and move straight on with the next hand. Other playerswill not see the fold until it is your turn.

Incash games, there is also the option to foldand watch. That means you can move onto your new table and get a new handbut also, watch the action of the hand you recently folded. The folded handwill pop up on a new screen for you to observe.

Thebasic idea of SNAP poker is that you play a lot more hands. You don’t have tosit around waiting for a decent hand for a long time. You can fold and move on.You can probably play around 3–4x more hands per hour in a SNAP poker game,too, compared to a regular cash game or tournament with a similar structure.It’s also easy to join the games from your lobby.

SNAP is appealing for recreational players who want to be involved in action but also want to bet with a big hand. It allows you to jump right in and play fast, which is also good news for anyone on a time limit. But what about serious players? Is there any strategy that can help you to win these games?

Key Differences Between Texas Hold‘em and SNAP Poker

It’scritical to get to grips with the key differences (and similarities) between astandard Texas Hold ‘em poker game and SNAP poker to understand what strategyto use first.

SNAPpoker uses the same rules with a big blind and small blind, dealer button, handrankings and betting sequences. It’s almost the same game. The two keydifferences are:

  • Youmove a table after every single hand.
  • You,and other players, can fast fold.

Thesedifferences create changes in the dynamics at the poker tables. The maindifferences to remember are the fast-fold and table changes, which mean thatthere is less information to use.

Pokeris already a gameof incomplete information. You don’t know what your opponentholds, so you aim to fill in those gaps by observing how they play, makingnotes and perhaps using your poker HUD to record statistics.

Snap Poker

InSNAP poker, you will not get the luxury of watching your opponents overmultiple hands, as they will move a table. By the same token, they do not seeas much information about how you play. There is little in the way of historyand even less in table dynamics and hand reading.

Toput this into perspective, let’s say the player pool is 500 players in a SNAPtourney or ring game. The tables have nine people on them. On average, it willtake you 55 hands to see the same player again (500/9). So, if it takes you 20hands to get any meaningful read on a player, you could be waiting for 1,000hands for this to happen in a SNAP game.

Snap Poker

Adapting to SNAP Poker

Snap Poker Meaning

Howdo you adapt to this information gap? The answer is to play a more basic gamebased on mathematics and make the right plays against what are unknown players.You can also exploit the fact that the other players can’t make a read on you.Finally, you can also take advantage of the fact that more people will be fast-folding pre-flop as well aspost-flop if they run into any trouble.

Remember,poker is not like roulette, which hasfixed odds.With the right knowledge, you can become a better player. Given theseadjustments, you can think about the following strategic tips for SNAP poker:

Snap Poker

  • Makeoptimal plays based on mathematics and rely less on your ability to read otherplayers.

Snap Call In Poker

  • Youdon’t have to worry about making complex plays (apart from in late-stagetournaments), levelling opponents, mixing up your play, balancing your range orgetting creative with your betting. All these will be unnecessary andineffective without any history between players. Play ABC poker for the most part.
  • Don’tonly fold waiting for premiums. That’s what everyone else does. Exploit thefact that everyone else folds by making small, selectively aggressive plays,such as stealing blinds, C-betting the flop and three-betting pre-flop.
  • Playfewer tables of SNAP poker to make up for the speed. Even multi-tabling a fewof these games can be too fast for most players. Expect a lower win rate thanthe equivalent standard format game if grinding, but remember, you can put inmore volume per hour — even with a lower win rate, they can be more profitable.

Snap Poker Rules

Snap Poker
  • Withoutthe information of hand reading and observing opponents over long periods, youmust rely on the other factors that are still left. They are: your startinghand, position, number of players in the pot, opponent’s position and theirbetting pattern over the single hand.

Snap Poker Cards

Ihope that these tips are useful when playing fast-fold format poker games likeSNAP poker. The basic idea is to use your best ABC maths-based poker strategyand consider the information gap. Use it to your advantage by making simpleaggressive plays. Your opponent will have no idea that you have raised thebutton 20 times in a row! Have fun, and happy learning.