Tank Trouble 3 Unblocked
Main – Contact –. Solve different puzzles, play in multiplayer mode and enjoy adventure together. We have unblocked version of the game which is available on our blog only so have fun Awesome Tanks 2 Game 2048cupcakes Getaway shootout game. Your browser does not appear to support HTML5. Try upgrading your browser to the latest version. What is a browser? Microsoft Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox Google.
admin, Last Updated Apr 20, 2019
Welcome buddies once again to our website. Today I'm composing an article on how to play Tank Trouble Unblocked game. If you are looking for an interesting arcade game then I would like to suggest you to play this unblocked game at least for once.I'm going to give an introduction in brief for the new Installers who don't know anything about this game. We will guide you carefully as you have already visited our website so nothing to worry about.I'm going to start my brief introduction.
Introduction Tank trouble unblocked Game:

Tank Trouble unblocked is a tank shooter game. It offers you to the limit of 3 friendly players playing at the same time and if you want to play without your friends, then obviously there is a facility of playing the game with computer-guided bots as well. This game will surely attract you if you are interested in shooting games.In this game,Your mission is to dodge the bullets and destroy the tanks before you are destroyed. There are 3 modes for you in this game, including 1 player with a dog named Laika, 2 players, and 3 players. On one player with Laika mode, you will have to defeat a tank which is driven by a dog named Laika. It is not an easy task although for you to be the Winner.
All the maps which you have to defeat in this game are like mazes. The objective of this game is to destroy the other tanks to get the point. The tank shoots bullets, and the bullets bounce off the wall. There are six additional weapons and each weapon has its own special powers.
Game Controls:~
For Player 1:
Up Arrow = Up/ForwardDown Arrow = Down/BackwardLeft Arrow = Turn LeftRight Arrow = Turn RightM Key = Fire
Player 2:
E = Up/ForwardD = Down/BackwardS = Turn LeftF = Turn RightQ = Fire
Player 3:
Mouse: MoveLeft Mouse Button: Fire
Note: There is a disadvantage if you are the Player 3. The mouse doesn't allow the tank to move backwards.
Trick and Tips For The Gameplay:
1. Try to grab the special bullets when they appear.
2. Dodge the bullets even you defeat all of your opponents until the game ends.
3. Estimate the direction of the bullet before shooting and make sure that you won't get killed by yourself.
Tank Trouble unblocked game comes with 4 sequels. 😊Let me give a brief description about all of them.
Tank Trouble 1 unblocked:
The object of the game is so simple. You have to just blow up the enemy tanks. But It doesn't end there. Apart from dodging enemy fire, you have to navigate through a maze to try and trap, flank or just plain surprise the other player(s) before they kill you.
Tank Trouble 2 unblocked:
Tank Trouble 3 Unblocked
It's the next version of Tank Trouble unblocked game. It is also so simple but the gameplay is very much addictive. You can hit your tank with your own bullets so be careful.
Tank Trouble 3 Unblocked 76
Some specials features are added to this sequel.
I. You can play against three other players in the beautifully designed maze.II. Shooting the rocket feature is even better, and this can hit any tank near to that.III. The graphic is better than the previous game.IV. Bounce off the wall feature is amazing.
Tank Trouble 3 unblocked:
Yet another sequel of Tank Trouble unblocked. The game has become very popular among the people that developer thought of making another sequel where they run advertisements to earn bucks. It had been banned in several countries as students had stopped caring about their studies.Many changes were done in this game.I. No need to worry about the deadline.II. You need to move fast as an enemy shoots immediately.
Tank Trouble 4 unblocked:
Tank Trouble 4 unblocked is the latest version of Tank Trouble unblocked game. Dozen of changes have been made in this game. Improvement of the Graphics made the game more addictive. I assure you that you don't wish to get rid off this game ever once you start playing. 😊
I. Graphics have been improved a lot.II. LAIKA that is shown as a black robotic panther.III. It offers a hot seat two players mode.
Tank Trouble 3 Unblocked Online
Reward for the Winner:
No special rewards are given for winning the challenge.But The Winner will take all the glory. 😊